Structural Engineer |
Mechanical and Electrical Engineer |
Main Contractor |
Lift supplier |
Architects |
Project Manager |
Lift Engineer |
Developer |
Howard de Walden Management Limited for themselves and as agents for Howard de Walden Estates Limited give notice that the particulars as set out are intended as general outline only for the guidance of intending purchasers/lessees and neither Howard de Walden Management Limited nor Howard de Walden Estates Limited on whose behalf the particulars are provided, accept any responsibility for any inaccuracies the particulars may contain. Any intending purchaser/lessee should not rely on them as statements or representations of fact but should satisfy themselves by inspection or otherwise as to their correctness. All floor areas and other measurements are approximate. These particulars do not form, or form any part of, any offer or contract. Neither Howard de Walden Management Limited nor Howard de Walden Estates Limited nor any of their employees have any authority, either orally or in writing, to make or give any representation or warranties in relation to the property. Unless otherwise stated all prices and rents quoted are exclusive.
Designed and produced by MJ Associates • • 020 8449 6265